USA (MNN) — Monday marked the last week of school before Christmas break at Abundant Life Christian School in Wisconsin. However, joy quickly turned to terror when a 15-year-old female student shot and killed two people – a teacher and a student – and wounded four others before taking her own life.
The Christian community of Madison, Wisconsin — and across the United States — is still grappling with this tragedy. Reflecting the truth of 1 Corinthians 12:26, when one part of the Body of Christ suffers, we all suffer.
Greg Yoder, Executive Director of Keys for Kids Ministries, says it’s also a critical reminder that all children and teens need the Gospel, no matter what kind of school they attend.

(Photo courtesy of Hiroyoshi Urushima/Unsplash)
“We know that there is evil in the world, and we know also that, as parents, our first mission field [is] our kids,” he says.
According to the United States K-12 School Shooting Database, there have been 323 school shootings in 2024, although many resulted in no victims or injuries. The database defines school shootings as incidents where a gun was brandished, fired, or a bullet hit school property for any reason. While that number for this year is slightly less than 2023 (which saw 349 school shootings), these incidents have been steadily rising since 2020.
“It’s a heart issue,” Yoder emphasizes.
So what does our culture do about a heart issue, aside from offering “thoughts and prayers”? As Christians, we truly believe in the power of prayer as we ask God to move in our minds and hearts. But Yoder encourages believers to pair prayer with action.
“I’m saying talk. I’m saying preach the Gospel to these kids because it’s the Holy Spirit that’s going to change a heart and a life. You can send people to counseling. You can give them opportunities to interact with special groups in schools, public schools, etc.”
Yoder adds, “Unless we’re sharing the liberating power of the Gospel with those kids, with our kids, with adults even around us, that is the only thing that’s going to change our culture.”

Conquering Fear devotional with Keys for Kids, available on YouVersion. (Image courtesy of Keys for Kids)
To help you biblically support the kids in your life, Keys for Kids has a 7-day devotional on the YouVersion app called Conquering Fear.
“We use this [devotional] a lot, especially during COVID and when there have been school shootings in the past,” says Yoder. “We encourage people to go there, download the YouVersion app, [and] look for Keys for Kids and Conquering Fear.”
You can find the devotional link here.
Then, please pray for the Abundant Life Christian School community to sense God’s comfort, and healing for those still in the hospital.
Header photo courtesy of Pixabay.