USA (MNN) — According to a poll on the Mission Network News web site, a majority of web browsers – 43-percent – aren’t sharing their faith on a regular basis. The question is, why?
Jerry Wiles is author of the book “The Faithful Witness” and President of Living Water International. Wiles gives us some insight. “The main barrier that most people have is fear and the preconceived idea about the way people might respond if they took the initiative. When you see the Biblical pattern in the early church the ordinary people, wherever they went, they gossiped the Gospel. It wasn’t just the pastors and evangelists, it was the ordinary people.”
Wiles says people who are actively reaching out, “will discover that there’s more people in their hearts to talk about the Lord and, in fact, prepared to receive Christ into their lives.”
Wiles says we have a lot of training and resources, but there a lack of something. “There’s a lack of faith in this area of our lives. The cutting edge is taking the Gospel and inviting people to come to HIm.
Living Water is about taking clean, safe drinking water to the needy abroad, while also share living water that can only be found in Christ. Wiles says is encouraging people to get involved. “If you get people involved in reaching people and meeting the most basic needs of the neediest people in the world, at the same time taking the life giving message of Christ, it changes the way they think about their neighborhood and their community,” says Wiles.
“In the areas where there’s the greatest need for water,” says Wiles, “is also the greatest need for the Gospel.”
Living Water has many needs, volunteers, funding for programs and more. Contact them at http://www.water.cc.