Sri Lanka (MNN) — A suspected Tamil Tiger front threatened on Monday to resume attacks on Sri Lanka’s military. That comes as talks are schedule to resume between the government and Tiger leaders next month.
Tensions have increased recently, causing some concern that the two-decade civil war that has killed more than 64,000 people could resume.
However, Back to the Bible’s Country Director James Kanaganayagam is optimistic. “Fortunately the peace process has continued. The talks have gone well. So, people are hopeful that peace will come to Sri Lanka in the near future.”
Back to the Bible has been helping Christians recover in the wake of the tsunami the devastated that island nation. They also continue to broadcast Christian programming into tsunami affected areas.
Kanaganayagam says a significant part of their work is helping churches in the area get re-established. “We were able to give musical instruments and sound equipment. We’ve been able to build churches. We’ve also been able to help pastors with pastor’s packs and libraries to help them get back to their trade of ministry.”
Kanaganayagam says with uncertainty in the wind again, he’s asking Christians to pray for people who are listening to their programming. “Many people are listening to the radio programs that we air. But, we are praying that God will bring about conviction and significant change in their lives. You can also pray that God will give us new opportunities to air more programs.”