Middle East (MNN)–A crackdown on lawlessness is coming to bring stability to Gaza. The Interior Minister spoke this week on the effect of sedition in the terrirory.
Nasser Yousef asserted that the unrest was actually undermining the national security. With Israel now out of the territory, the squabbling over the ‘spoils’ is growing.
Tom Doyle is with E3 Partners. He says with Hamas fighting the Palestinan Authority and the Islamic Jihad–it’s a free-for-all.
Their team was caught in a fire-fight during a recent visit to the region in late November. Doyle says, “As we were looking at the new church, a gunfight broke out and it was Hamas versus the Palestinian Authority.”
Everyone hit the floor, and Doyle describes what happened next. “Bullets were bouncing off the building, and it was difficult there for about 30 minutes. For the Palestinians, that’s just an average day in Gaza.”
Doyle says in spite of the constant trouble, their church partner has had an active outreach since 2001. In an area dominated by Islam, there weren’t many takers.
Now, though, they’re now seeing some fruit. “The church is just spreading good work all around this really devastated area, so we’ve just been blessed to work with them, come alongside, help feed the refugees in the camps and then share the Gospel.”
“We’ve seen some breakthroughs,” he adds, “in the camps where the Muslims are coming to Christ.” If you’d like to help, go to: http://www.e3partners.org.