Costa Rica (MNN) — Human trafficking is a huge problem around the world. According to the United Nations, Costa Rica is a source, transit, and destination country for men, women, and children trafficked for commercial sexual exploitation and forced labor.
Speaking from Costa Rica, Brooke Burns with The Mission Society says, "Costa Rica is actually considered one of the countries in Central America that is one of the worst offenders in this area. Sex tourism is a very lucrative business here, and its proximity to the United States makes it easy for people to get here."
Burns is praying God will allow safe homes to be developed. But she says that's not the only answer. "If we don't introduce them to the Rescuer of life and the One who can provide true transformation and wholeness and healing for them, our efforts are almost in vain," she says.
She believes God uses these horrible circumstances. "The women and children can live whole lives, and they can be redeemed to fullness and wholeness. And then their wounds can be used to bring wholeness. So as a follower of Jesus Christ, I have great hope for these victims."
According to Burns, "As God' s people, followers of Jesus Christ, that is what we're called to do. We are to be a part of the work of setting the captives free. That passion is boiling [in me]."
Burns is focusing on educating Costa Ricans and new missionaries joining them in the field. She's also talking openly about the situation with her supporters.
Her request: "Pray for Christians to respond to the injustices that are going on around them."
Recovery is difficult, but through Christ it's more hopeful. Pray that Burns will be able to motivate and mobilize people into action.