Middle East (MNN) — A week ago
today, a black-hooded Muslim extremist disrupted a church service in a church
pastored by an e3 staff member.
The man demanded that everyone
convert to Islam or die. When no one
recanted, he opened fire. The gunman primarily shot at the cross at the
front of the church. e3 described
it as a beautiful picture of God using the cross once again to save His people
and to absorb the violence aimed at them.
Miraculously, there were no injuries. e3 goes on to say the gunman has since been arrested. He was a familiar face around the church
because he had been doing some work for them. He had also been exposed to the Gospel. Please pray for this pastor, the
church members, and the gunman.
Soon after the attack, the e3 leader who is also the
pastor of this church spoke over the phone with an e3
staff member in the U.S., stating, "We are all doing great. Don't
worry about us! By the way, we are so excited about the team that is
coming next week. We can't wait!" The believers there are bold
in their faith and as followers of Christ.
What this shows is openness to
the Gospel. Mission researchers estimate that more Muslims have committed to
follow Christ in the last 10 years than in the last 15 centuries of Islam.
e3 Partners' aim is to
participate in a larger Kingdom effort to see simple churches started in every
community among every language and people group in the world.
Their goal is to raise up 1,000
prayer warriors for each country in which they work, in the Midde East / Central
Asia (MECA) region. Discipleship is also
key to building a strong church.
e3 is investing in leaders within the region
in order to equip them to launch stable reproducing flocks. To further this aim, there are ministry
training centers around the region as well as seminary level courses available.
Keeping it running smoothly falls to six national directors
in this region. These directors and their ministry teams have linked with major
American churches that are providing continual prayer-intercession and funding
in order to help them in their e3 national strategy. You can help. Click here to find out how.