Greece (MNN) — There is an increasing demand for Christian bookstores around Greece. Just about 25,000 evangelicals live in the entire country. AMG International has been working in the country for the past 60 years and actually had the very first Christian publishing company there.
Currently there are five bookstores, located in Athens, Thessaloniki, Patra, Larissa and Volos.
Local churches in Patra, Larissa, and Volos have partnered with the stores in those cities. More churches are available and willing to create partnerships if financial resources become
Besides the 25,000 evangelicals, much of the population consider themselves Christians but have no knowledge of Jesus. Many of the customers who utilize the bookstore in Patra are university students who make use of the copy machines. They ask questions about the literature they see and often encounter Christ for the first time because of the Christian
worker they meet.
In one situation, a troubled man came into the store looking for answers. He is now a Christian. In another case, an atheist began visiting and asking questions. Upon understanding his sinfulness, he placed his faith in Christ. AMG said "Heaven only knows" how many people have been led to Christ and eternal life through the bookstore ministry.
In Larissa, the ministry is two-fold. The bookstore is not only open 10-12 hours
each day but also serves as a distribution center for Christian literature in the Albanian language–a ministry which they do in partnership with Operation Mobilization.
Pray that additional funding will allow more churches to support new bookstores so that the witness they offer can expand into more cities.