Honduras (MNN)–Persecution in Honduras is not the ‘norm’. However, last month, we reported the murder of Dionisio Diaz Garcia.
Known as a “Lawyer for the Poor”, Garcia was shot four times and killed December 4th, while on his way from Association for a More Just Society (AJS) to the Honduran Supreme Court.
Worldwide Christian Schools’ Steve Geurink says one of their representatives, also linked with the AJS, is now in hiding. “The president of AJS, his name is Carlos Hernandes, also received a death threat immediately after the killing that occurred in Honduras. Obviously, this disrupts his normal work. Carlos has been extremely important to our work and ministry. He has a guard with him 24/7, and they are taking these threats very seriously.”
WCS works closely with Carlos through teacher training, and SCM/Genesis is affiliated with El Verbo Christian School, a WCS partner school in the capital city of Tegucigalpa.
Geurink believes Carlos faces a death threat due to his effectiveness in amplifying their schools’ evangelistic work. “Carlos was meeting with the church leaders, community leaders, families, teachers and school boards and he was presenting to them effective ministry options for Christian schools that’s basically a school-improvement process. He was bringing all these different parties together and was having amazing results.”
According to information on WCS’ website, keeping pressure on the government is one way to address the corruption that led to Garcia’s death. Go to the AJS website, click on the “take action” link. From there you can contact top officials in both the Honduran and U.S. governments.
WCS also launched a security fund for Carlos Hernandez. They’re raising the funds needed to the cover the cost of personal protection for Carlos Hernandez and his family.