Middle East (MNN)–SAT-7 is planning on launching a new channel to counteract the violence influencing today’s generation of Arab children.
Team members see the importance of reaching young people with the hope of Christ. The resulting project is called ‘SAT-7 KIDS’.
When the programs first aired, SAT-7 Kids was already airing under its own logo. What began on July 5, 2004 as a programming block is now something that the team wants to see sustain its own identity.
They’re hoping to launch it by September 2007. They’re also hoping to raise enough money to launch a separate channel in the next few weeks for their Farsi(Persian) and Turkish broadcasts, which include a large number of programs for children.
SAT-7 is working with a donor who will double every gift earmarked for the SAT-KIDS project. This same donor will double any gift pledged help launch the new Farsi/Turkish channel.
Please pray that God will raise up new supporters to contribute to these channels, and others to continue and strengthen the support for SAT-7’s main Arabic service.