Nepal (MNN) — Nepal still doesn't have a constitution. Now, a conflict between the president and prime minister may take even longer. This rift, however, isn't having much impact on Christian radio in Nepal.
President of HCJB Global Wayne Pederson says up until five years ago, Nepal was a closed country. "The Maoist had a revolution, overthrew the Hindu government, and established a form of democracy. Isn't it ironic God used the Maoists to overthrow the government so Christian broadcasting could come in!"
According to Pederson, a small church in the country said they could put a radio station on the air if HCJB Global could get it on the air in 60 days. Pederson says, "So, we rushed a transmitter, studio equipment, and an antenna, and the station was on in 45 days. Since then, we've planted seven community FM radio stations in Nepal."
But are people listening? Pederson says YES. "You can imagine in a country that's largely Hindu [that there's] a lot of curiosity about the radio stations. Many people are tuning in, and many Hindus are deciding to follow Jesus."
Pederson indicates Christian radio is having an impact on church planting. "We're seeing a huge growth in the church in Katmandu and even in some of the outlying areas. We have one of our community radio stations that's planted on the India border."
While there are questions about Nepal's future, politically, Pederson says, "We say we're going to go in aggressively while the door is open. We don't know how long the door will be open, and we'll keep planting these radio stations and equipping local believers until the door closes."
More stations are needed in places like Nepal. Pederson says, "It costs us about $30,000 to put in a radio station and to train the nationals. All of the staff are indigenous people."
If you'd like to help HCJB Global fund additional stations, click here.
God bless u I share a vision of my wife( a diplomat)who was lifted up in heaven on 2nd Jan 2014 and stood in front of the Most Holy throne and God spoke to her in loud and furious voice that go on Earth back and tell the people that something Unique will happen on Earth in May 2014 which never happened before. Save the people who wana be saved and leave the rest. She did not share this vision except me to anyone because already many people told this kind of vision but God had mercy and gave more time to the world to be prepared for heaven but this time He was not looking in the mood to give more time and Grace. So I wana share it with no discrimination of caste or religion, white or black, rich or poor, gentle or sinner, king or beggar. It is the Will of Lord Jesus Christ to tell the message of deliverance to everyone not any particular group of people. To the workers of Lord Jesus Christ, I request do it with the speed of racehorse not at the pace of snail or tortoise. Spend much money on big conventions and seminars not only on Sunday but 24×7 encourage each other. Don’t hate anyone but give the message of God to everyone. Don’t care the people what they say about you but seek the Lord,s Will. KL Angora .