Pakistan (MNN) — The Christian Reformed World Relief Committee is responding to the United Nations' call to help feed 1.5 million Pakistanis devastated in Cyclone Yemyin's wake.
Although the actual storm passed through June 23 and 24, the current situation of the flood-affected area remains miserable. People have lost their homes and livelihood for the foreseeable future.
Most of the flooded areas are still inaccessible, and road communications are totally destroyed. Some people are reportedly still stranded by the waters, and many are looking for relief assistance.
In conjunction with other Global Relief Alliance members, Food for the Hungry, Medical Teams International, Christian Reformed World Relief, World Relief and World Concern, MAP International will directly fund 250 hygiene kits for the Pakistan emergency.
Along with a four months' supply of emergency food supplies, CRWRC's Jacob Kramer says they're sending a "Food for Work" program. "The aim will be to clear the land so that the planting in two months can take place and to clear up the homesteads so that they can start rebuilding their quite simple housing."
The fact that CRWRC's team will be coming to help the people rebuild a future opens new doors. Kramer says, "A cup of cold water which is brought by people from a Christian background it leads to a lot of discussion. It leads to a lot of re-questioning by the recipients of their old attitudes towards Christianity."
CRWRCS says in order to fund this project and offset the risk of a potential malaria outbreak, $10,000 is urgently needed. If you can help bring relief to those in Pakistan, click here.