Afghanistan (VOM/VBB) — Editor’s note: MNN has yet to independently verify elements of this story, but deemed it too important to not share with you. What follows is the text of a post from the Voice of the Martyr’s Persecution Blog:
South African Christian Werner Groenewald and his two teen-aged children, Jean-Pierre and Rodé, were killed Saturday in an attack by the Taliban in Afghanistan.
Please pray for Hannelie Groenewald, a doctor who also served the people of Afghanistan, as she grieves the loss of her husband and children. She also lost her home and possessions as the family’s house was burned in the attack. Werner Groenewald had been helping Afghans through education and development projects since 2002.
Media reports on the attack quote one blogger who knew Groenewald, writing about the last time Werner spoke to a group of Christian coworkers: “In Werner’s last message to the international group of co-workers, he spoke on ‘counting the cost of following Jesus.’ His words will remain in our hearts forever as he closed the session with these words: ‘We only die once, so it might as well be for Jesus.’”
The lord is your strenght…and i strongly believe that werner and the children are now,though satan stopped their work prematurely, he can’t erase the one they’ve done which will remain till Christ come.*shalom*