India (MNN) — A Christian television broadcast will be accessible to tens of millions in an Indian state through secular networks tomorrow night.
Evangelist Sammy Tippit has had a burden for revival for decades, but in the last few years, he has been the one on the receiving end.
"The last few years, God has sent a personal revival to me," explains Tippit, who says much of this spiritual renewal came through running.
Inspired by what God has done in his own life, and feeling unmistakably called to the booming Christian community in India, Tippit has decided to pay his own experience forward. "I am beginning a television broadcast in India using that whole metaphor of the race."
The TV broadcast, which begins tomorrow, is set up to be a motivation to Christians in Tamil Nadu State. "We will be calling for revival and personal renewal in the lives of believers," says Tippit, who saw lives transform as a result of this message after he delivered it to pastors in the area.
Plus, "Tamil Nadu, that particular state, is where it's believed that Thomas came and brought the Gospel. So the oldest Christian community in India is right there in Chennai." Tippit hopes the show will bring a spiritual reawakening to this special community of believers.
The message is familiar and catching on, so the program is expected to catch the attention of many believers throughout the area. The most flavorful ingredient of the mix, however, comes with the introduction of the show to a vast secular audience.
"We have a prime spot from 9 until 10 o'clock in the evening on secular stations throughout that whole state," Tippit reports. "A very interesting thing in that particular state is that the government–through some political maneuvers–has put a television set in every home in that state."
Tamil Nadu boasts over 60 million people.
Tens of millions could be watching a program which clearly lays out the Gospel and encourages viewers to be doers in their faith. The potential for change is overwhelming.
Believers across India face daily persecution which cannot be ignored, and Tippit hopes that the television broadcast will give strength and courage to believers and new converts as they press on in their faith.
Pray for this exciting new opportunity. Pray that God would indeed send revival to the oldest Christian community in India. Pray that many new lives would join the Kingdom as a result of the programming.