China (CAM/ANS) — Since the death of Christian Aid Mission China Division Director Freddie Sun last year, there has been a great deal of prayer and fasting about the leadership of the Chinese missionary cause in the United States.
Dorothy Sun, the current CAM China Division Director, is looking forward to retiring, but not before the next generation of missionary spokesmen is in place. She is now 76.
“There is still danger to the work of God in China,” says Sun. “But the work is going on stronger than ever. We are sending support into every province of China and to Chinese missions in many places, but we urgently need to see new missions leadership among the Chinese in North America and Taiwan.”
Christian Aid Mission was founded by Dr. Bob Finley in 1953 in the wake of the Communist takeover of China. It has been and continues to be a major generator of prayer and financial support for Chinese missions.
Sun speaks highly of Chai Ling, founder of All Girls Allowed. Ling recently had a dramatic conversion to Christ and has added “in Jesus name, simply love her” to her logo and Web sites in both Chinese and English languages. She recently spoke at the Urbana 2012 Missions Convention in St. Louis and has become an overnight sensation as prime spokesperson for the Chinese Christian cause.
Formerly a leader of the Tiananmen Square democracy movement, Ling is now known for her anti-gendercide and human rights efforts in China. She also champions the “Back to Jerusalem” missions movement in the Chinese and American communities throughout North America.
However, Christian Aid Mission, which has channeled support to the indigenous mission’s movement in China since 1987, has always taken a low-profile approach to helping native church-multiplication movements in China. There work includes Chinese house churches, discipleship training, and Bible schools plus planting a Chinese church in Charlottesville, Virginia.
“We are not seeking to one celebrity spokesperson,” says Dorothy, “but a network of respected overseas Chinese leaders who can speak to Christian supporters in both the Chinese and other communities–including of course, Anglo-Americans.”
In order to do this, Sun and the Chinese Division staff are building a network of national directors and leaders in various countries including Australia, Canada, Hong Kong, Malaysia, Singapore, Taiwan and the United States.
Dorothy Sun says that the work of the Gospel in China is now very diverse and includes traditional support of the house churches and Bible Schools, as well as many missionaries who are working in the registered churches based on local conditions. Plus, she says, the “Back to Jerusalem” missionary movement is the driving force among next generation Chinese leaders.
“China is changing,” Sun insists. “Now more than ever we have to remain flexible. The Chinese Body of Christ is the biggest and fastest growing church on the planet.
“They need our help more than ever, but we have to find the right leadership to take us forward into the future. He must know and tell the whole truth of the situation of religion freedom and human rights in China.”
Christian Aid assists of 800 native mission boards and organizations working among 3000 tribes, tongues, and nations in 122 countries. These mission boards deploy over 80,000 native missionaries. To contribute to Chinese indigenous missions, click here and use Gift Code 900WMN.