China (MNN) — The Chinese Communist Party (CCP) is trying to forcibly close a small house church in the Dazhou, Sichuan province, reports The Voice of the Martyrs Canada (VOMC).

(Photo Credit Keith Tan Via Flickr)
Now, the church is taking a stand and bringing its case before governing officials. According to China’s regulations, congregations of 50 or more people need to register with the government. According to VOMC, this particular house church does not seem to be in violation of this law.
But, these actions by the government don’t come as a surprise, according to VOMC. The CCP is officially atheist, and there are currently heightened tensions between the CCP and religious organizations. Christians have been facing persecution for years, especially from a government attempting to regulate religion.
Persecution in China
Just last year, over 12,000 crosses were removed from China’s southern coast as part of governmental regulations. At the time, officials claimed the removal of crosses was to beautify the coast and create a harmonious-looking society. Read more about it here.
China is currently listed at #29 on the Open Doors USA 2015 World Watch List (WWL). The WWL is a ranking of 50 countries where persecution of Christians for religious reasons is most severe.
Please pray for:
- The church’s endurance
- Members’ safety and protection
- Wisdom and direction for those representing the church
- Officials to allow the church to continue worshiping
- Unity among all house churches in China
- The advancement of the Gospel
LORD of our LORD, hear our prayers for
The church’s endurance in the face of persecution;
Member’s of Christ’s Body to have safety and protection;
Wisdom and direction for those representing Christ’s church;
Officials to allow the church to continue worshiping;
Unity among all house churches in China; and,
The advancement of the Gospel of Jesus Christ!