China’s changing face shapes a ministry response

By February 12, 2010

China (MNN)– China's emergence into the global marketplace
has brought with it a new sophistication.

Erik Burklin with China Partner says people are migrating to
the urban centers. That's both good and
bad for the church. On the upside, he
says many of the Christians coming into the city are young entrepreneurs and bring with them a strong financial base
and vision. When that happens, the
church often benefits.

On the downside, "They are now bringing with them the
secularization and the concern for materialism. This is putting pressure on
local pastors."

How is church growth anything but a positive?  The growth of the church in China is
outpacing its resources, especially in the rural areas. China Partners estimates 3,700 ordained and
assistant pastors ministering to roughly forty million believers — that's one
pastor for every 1,000+ Christians.

Without proper training, heresy can often
result. Burklin explains that "the majority of the church leaders never
have a chance to go to a seminary or Bible school. They're starting and birthing
new churches and are desperate and hungry for good training materials, for
books, for seminars that will equip them and help them."  

China Partner conducts Training Seminars in partnership with
registered Bible schools and churches, under the auspices of the China
Christian Council. Burklin says, "We
get invited, on a regular basis, by these Christian leaders to conduct short-term training seminars. Once again, we are preparing to go in May."

The team teaches core training courses – Evangelism,
Pastoral Care, Discipleship and Christian Leadership, although as the needs
change, they adjust the curriculum. Pray
that God would give wisdom to those involved in developing this new curriculum.

There are more details to help you figure out how you can
help. Click here.



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