China (MNN) — Dr. Werner Burklin led hundreds to Christ during his 80th birthday trip to China. Thousands recommitted their lives to the Lord after hearing his preaching.
Burklin, president and founder of China Partner, was asked to preach at the large church in Hangzhou years ago and was finally able to do so. After worshiping with the congregation and delivering the message, Burklin made an invitation for anyone who wanted to recommit their lives to the Lord to stand up. Over 2,000 were standing.
When Burklin asked who would like to trust Christ for the first time, more than 250 young Chinese stood in public declaration of this decision.
The church has been growing so rapidly that a sister church is being established and will begin services next summer. The new church will be in an area with several colleges and young students. This could be a powerful presence, especially since there are not nearly enough young people in China planning to enter ministry currently.
Dr. Burklin was born to missionary parents in China. He's been in and out of the country most of his life, ministering there and leading China Partner. On his most recent trip to the country, Burklin was celebrating his 80th birthday. What a wonderful birthday gift to see the legacy God has built through China Partner in the form of standing believers.
Pray that this new church would thrive. Pray that many of those who committed their lives to Christ for the first time during Dr. Burklin's visit would be bold enough to reach out to other students and to share their faith in word and action. Pray also that as students come to know the Lord, they would rise to the challenge of entering ministry, becoming pastors, and filling in any other gaps in the church that need be filled.
Ministry in China can be difficult. Few pastors are trained, and few young people plan to enter the field. If you would like to help China Partner help pastors and churches like the one in Hangzhou, click here.