Ukraine (CAM/MNN) – Ukraine is an extremely dangerous and scary place to live, especially for children. War throughout the eastern part of the country has robbed young adults of peace, joy, and a sense of normalcy.
But this summer, they’re getting it back.
Luke 18:16 says, “But Jesus called the children to Him and said, ‘Let the little children come to Me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of God belongs to such as these’” (NIV). That’s exactly what one indigenous ministry in Ukraine is doing: helping children grow closer to God.
The ministry is putting on 20 summer camps, where over 7,000 children from non-believing families will hear the Gospel. Native missionaries will travel around to various villages, setting up tents as the center of the camp’s activities. They will then go door-to-door, gathering groups of 200-300 children and their families.
“We know those children are our future, and we need to plant that seed in their hearts,” the leader of the indigenous ministry said, according to a post by Christian Aid Mission on its Prayerline page. “When you save children, they can save many others during their lifetime.”
But children can’t get saved unless they know God’s Word. That’s why Good Samaritan Mission, an Christian organization supported by Christian Aid Mission, is raising support for 5,000 children’s Bibles to distribute to the campers. Missionaries will also distribute Bibles throughout the most devastated villages of Eastern Ukraine, where there are no churches.
Can you help bring God’s Word to these hurting children? For $5, you can send a Bible to Ukraine. You can make your donation at Christian Aid Mission’s Prayerline page under June 21.
Remember also to keep Ukrainians in your prayers throughout times of violence and suffering. Pray especially that these summer camps would help children come to faith in Christ.
Here is a good news item for FBE.