India (MNN) — Human trafficking has been a big problem in many parts of the world, especially in India. Many young girls are sold into sex slavery or child labor situations where they lose all hope. However, the number of female children is dropping in India.
Founder and President of Gospel for Asia KP Yohannan says the problem isn't new. "When a girl is born, instead of rejoicing there is weeping in the house because the prospect of that girl getting married frightens parents because of the money — the dowry system — to get these girls married off. And, therefore, killing all the female babies and abortion is huge."
According to Yohannan, if these children aren't killed, they're faced with another tragedy. "More and more reports are coming of young children being sold from state to state for the sex trade and business."
Yohannan is praying that the government will begin doing something about this problem. GFA is already doing what they can through their Bridge of Hope program. "We take these children from the streets, from homes, and give them education, take care of their food and clothing and teach them about the Lord Jesus Christ. We now have 49,000 children in our [more than] 400 centers."
He says the majority of the children who are involved in Bridge of Hope come to Christ and have an incredible impact. Yohannan tells about one girl. "There is a nine year old girl that gave her life to Christ at one of our schools. She became responsible for 14 other adults that belonged to her family coming to the Lord Jesus Christ because of her enthusiasm — quoting Bible verses and talking about Jesus."
Your gift of $28 a month can help a child hear the Gospel. Yohannan says the need is now. "Right now we have 20,000 children that need someone to pray for them and to help them. And once people say "yes," we'll send them a photograph. At least twice a year the children write letters to these families. And we don't take one penny of the $28. All of the money goes to the country to help that child."
Yohannan has a dream of having 500,000 children in this program.
If you'd like to be a part of the Bridge of Hope program, click here.