This man is currently in La Gonave Wesleyan Hospital receiving his 6th liter of intravenous fluids for a Chikungunya infection.
(Image, caption courtesy Starfysh)
Haiti (MNN) — Chikungunya, a mosquito-borne virus normally found in Asia and Africa, has made its way to Haiti.
Its symptoms are similar to dengue fever, and it has no cure, says Starfysh founder Dr. Steve Edmondson. While the disease isn’t deadly, the pain it causes keeps people in bed for days–sometimes even weeks.
“I spoke to one gentleman who has had dengue…and he said it [Chikungunya] was worse than the dengue,” shares Edmondson. “It’s a very severe flu-like syndrome. It’s characterized by usually a high fever, which is followed by intense joint and muscle pain.”
According to the World Health Organization (WHO), Chikungunya was first reported in the Caribbean last December. At last count in March, there were more than 8,000 suspected infections in the Caribbean. Haiti’s Public Health Director recently told Edmondson that the Port-au-Prince and La Gonave region holds at least 500 reported incidents.
Normally, La Gonave avoids most of the serious illnesses that impact Haiti’s mainland. They’ve encountered their fair share of cholera, Edmondson shares, but 12 miles of open water between La Gonave and the mainland serve as a natural buffer.
“There is some insulatory effect. Just because some things are reported on the mainland of Haiti doesn’t mean we’ll soon see it on La Gonave,” says Edmondson.
“It stands to reason that we will eventually, but it didn’t take long at all for this Chikungunya thing to show up.”
Dr. Edmondson says a great number of severe flu-like illnesses are being reported on La Gonave right now, and he suspects many of them are indeed Chikungunya infections. Starfysh workers are helping however they can, but they can’t do much beyond treating the symptoms: muscle and joint pain, fever, headache, nausea, etc.
By caring for people in their time of pain, however, Starfysh workers are forming relationships with people that pave the way for Gospel conversations.
“When we get seriously ill, we start to think very seriously about life…and because of that, people are very receptive to talking about spiritual things,” Edmondson notes. “When things are going great, we kind of find ourselves confident in our own abilities, and we’re not as receptive to the Gospel and the plans God has for us. But when we’re sick, we pay much more attention.
“That’s where Starfysh, and other organizations that bring the Gospel and the Good News of Jesus Christ, come in.”
Edmondson and Starfysh want to do more than treat symptoms, when it comes to La Gonave’s medical needs. That’s why they’re training a community health educator and forming a Remote Mobile Medical Unit.
Temporary care will do for this current, non-deadly outbreak of Chikungunya. But more work is needed for Starfysh, if they want to have the capability to respond during outbreaks of malaria or dengue fever on La Gonave.
“We don’t want to wait for the problem to present itself before we start getting ourselves organized,” says Edmondson.
“We are just an e-mail away if somebody would say, ‘I’d love to raise money for a mosquito net,'” Edmondson says. “We can get mosquito nets very inexpensively, and we can be very effective with very few dollars.”
thanks for the news. We have been working in La Source, La Gonave for the past 30 years, praying for God’s favor…spiritually and physically! We have seen a definite improvement…but it seems there is always something to contend with. We lost our health-care worker (Haitian) as he saved 12 ppl from the cholera outbreak before contracting it himself and dying at the Wesleyan Hosp. in Anse-a-Galets! Our medical team this year will be there July 11-18…so pray for us! Blessings, Bill Adams
Thank you for sharing Bill, we are praying for your medical team!
Hello Mr. Adams:
I do not believe I know you, but I worked at the Wesleyan Hospital on the island as a nurse for many, many years – about 20 total in Haiti. I am so sorry to hear about the loss of your health care worker. Cholera has had a devastating effect on Haiti. You may not be aware of this, but I a spearheading a 4-year RN program in Anse-a-Galets. Graduates will earn a BSN degree. The Wesleyan University of Haiti, College of Nursing Studies is on track to begin October 1. Registration begins late June to early July. If you are interested in training a quality RN for your work, this would be the route to go. If you would like further information, contact me or Dan Irvine, our mission director. Just thought I’d let you know. Thanks.
Janice Cotrone, MS, RN, NE
That sounds great, we would love some more information on the nursing program! Thank you
I want to join la gonave team at Hospital
I’m a Medical Assistant I want to help guys
Thanks for your interest Jean! Here’s a link to the “Contact Us” page on Starfysh’s website so you can connect with them directly: http://www.starfysh.org/content/contact-us