Ukraine (MNN) — You can help transform a child’s life for Christ this summer. For many children, summer camp is a time that can change the direction of their entire lives.
Eric Mock with Slavic Gospel Association says many orphan children have seen extreme domestic violence or substance abuse from their parents. Some have even been abused themselves. Things don’t get easier from that point.
“Then they’re placed in orphanages where many, many kids have a single teacher or caregiver. They’re often not invested in like a loving parent would invest in them, to show them a different way of life,” Mock says.

Summer camp for kids. (Photo courtesy of Slavic Gospel Association)
Kids come to SGA-partner-led summer camps with little concept for what a loving and merciful heavenly Father is like.
“The idea that He would sacrifice His Son in atonement for their sins and their choices is hard to process,” Mock says.
But these wonderful truths about God begin to open up to children when they experience summer camp.
“When they see the men and women of the local church being the arms and legs of of Christ, as it were, showing them the love and the joy and the patience that they have never seen in their life, they see a new image, a new picture,” Mock says.
“In the case of war-torn areas like in Ukraine, kids that have only known stress are shown a picture of peace. Not only verbally do we talk of peace, but they’re surrounded by that peace. They’re surrounded by people with joy, who comfort them and care for them, love them.”
For just $41, you can sponsor a child to hear the good news of Jesus. Learn more about SGA’s mission with local churches to reach 77,000 children across 13 countries this summer and how you can sponsor children to go to camp.
“There are far too many orphans who do not believe in Christ and continue in the footsteps of their parents, who are often destitute or previously orphans themselves,” Mock says.
“Through these camps, we pray that many more will respond.”
Header photo courtesy of Slavic Gospel Association.