CAR (MNN) — The peace process in the Central African
Republic is at a critical juncture.
Demobilization and the election process will set the stage for the
nation's future.
Poverty remains a widespread problem, threatening the
stability. However, ReachGlobal–the international mission of the Evangelical Free
Church of America–is helping its partners by sending a 40-foot container filled with medical,
agricultural, and evangelism supplies to support their outreach.
While the container, bound for the Gamboula Hospital, has
arrived in Douala, it may take 1-2 months to obtain signatures and arrangfor a
trucker to bring the load 350 miles.
The shipment includes 30 Proclaimers–a portable audio player
that contains the New Testament in Fulfulbe, 28 packs of Bible flannelgraph
stories, 20 new DVDs, and 30,000 nursery sacks for planting trees.
The history with this ministry reveals a determination to
live the hope of Christ amongst the Fulani, a nomadic people group. Through
their collaborations in medical ministry, holistic outreach, and theological
training, they're succeeding in reaching the Fulani with the hope of Christ.
The hospital in which ReachGlobal partners work not only ministers to
the physical needs, but it serves as a connecting point for ministry that extends
to the local villages and beyond.
Traditionally nomadic cattle herders, the Fulani have begun
settling closer to villages to get medical care for their families and
veterinary care for their animals.
ReachGlobal's vision is to combine evangelism and church
planting with medical ministry, literacy ministry, and development ministry in
order to reach this unreached people group.
As the ministry team puts these to use, pray that they will be
planting seeds for the peace of Christ. Click here for more.