USA (MNN)–Sunday marks the 33rd anniversary of Roe v. Wade, a landmark court decision which made abortion legal in the United States.
Since that January 22, 1973 decision, an estimated 44 million abortions have taken place. In memorial of the loss of life, this Sunday has been set aside as ‘Sanctity of Human Life’ Sunday.
“It is so easy to lose sight of the sanctity of life, the miracle of Creation. When we set aside this day, we can pause, [and] think about what do we believe,” says Bethany Christian Service’s national adoption consultant, Kris Faase (fawsee).
Last year’s Presidential Proclamation said, in part, that “The Declaration of Independence proclaimed that all Americans are endowed by the Creator with the unalienable rights to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.” And many Americans have shouldered the responsibility to defend the life of the innocents and the powerless.
Faase says that’s a big part of what they do. Bethany’s many arms work to help provide life-affirming choices, with the love of Christ. Christian care extends to people struggling with unplanned pregnancies, infertility, and a multitude of other challenges.
“Our broader ministry is about reaching out to families and children in a multitude of circumstances, and providing support and services to them,” Faase explains, adding, “in that way, [we’re] reflecting our call to be Christians of faith, to be Christians of action.”
If you’d like more information on adoption services or any other family services, visit Bethany’s website by clicking the link below.