International (MNN) — Let's face it. Many of the gifts we give at Christmastime will be returned to the store by January.
So why not give something meaningful this year?
"Christmas is all about celebrating the Word becoming flesh in the Babe, in the Christ-child," points out Michael Currier with The Seed Company. "What better way to honor a family member or a loved one than by sponsoring a verse, a translation so that God's Word might be written and come to life for children, for mothers, for fathers who have never had access to God's Word before?"
The Seed Company developed a program called "One Verse" years ago for people to sponsor individual Scripture verses in Bible translation projects. The ministry's "Gift-a-Verse" program takes that same idea and lets someone else be a part of it.
"[It's] a way for everybody to be involved in supporting Bible translation for these languages who are still waiting for God's Word," says Currier.
People wishing to Gift-a-Verse rather than a sweater this year can head to the One Verse Web site. There, gifters will be able to choose a language group in translation and sponsor one verse for $26 in someone's honor.
But it doesn't stop there. "We're going to create a card that is customized for each order," explains Currier. "In that card, it'll have the name of the language group of the people you're sponsoring the translation for, as well as the specific verse that you are sponsoring for that translation."
That card gets shipped to your house, and you can give it as a gift to whoever you have decided to present it to.
You can Gift-a-Verse to a family member, or even to someone who has yet to understand the importance of Scripture. The Word could speak for itself.
It's a great opportunity, but if you're going to Gift-a-Verse, hurry. The deadline to order the verses is this Friday, December 16 if you want the cards by Christmas. Click here to get started.