USA (MNN) – Slavic Gospel Association celebrated 75 years of ministry and is working with fervor and passion on the 76th.
The anniversary celebration that took place could not have been better executed. A busy weekend of festivities allowed the ministry to celebrate, to thank partners and to work in tandem with Moody Church in Chicago, Illinois. At the conclusion of the celebration was a unique and well-received pastors conference.
The response was phenomenal. Many who attended the conference acclaimed it as the best pastors conference they'd ever attended. What made it unique was likely the pastors who spoke.
"It was mostly Russian pastors teaching American pastors. This was historic because it'd never been done before," says Bob Provost, president of SGA. "We've sent more than 500 American pastors over to the lands of Russia to teach over the years, but this was the first time that we had the opportunity to bring Russians to teach Americans."
SGA had a great time of reflection and encouragement during the anniversary. And now, the ministry looks forward to the future. To wrap up the celebration weekend and conference, SGA launched it's new ministry initiative for year 76. Now ‘Campaign 75' is on it's way off the ground to continue the flow of ministry in the lands of Russia.
"[SGA will] send 75 new national church planters to communities that are unreached," says Provost regarding ‘Campaign 75'. "This is so important because, in many ways, what we call the lands of Russia (that would be the former Soviet Union) are still some of the most unreached places on the earth."
SGA has had a wonderful 75 years of ministry. Now they need your help to get the new initiative rolling. Russian nationals tend to be the best church planters since they know the culture and community in which they live. Your help is needed to sponsor these harvesters and get their ministries moving.
Provost invites you to join in the campaign. "Our new thrust as we head into our seventy-sixth year is to try to get God's people reawakened to the fact that there is still a great and awesome harvest waiting in that part of the world."
If you would like to help support ‘Campaign 75', click here. Pray that the campaign would get off the ground smoothly and effectively so Slavic Gospel Association can continue to aid in building the Kingdom.