USA (MNN) — The new school year begins
in just a few weeks. The first day of
school is typically full of excitement, new classmates and new supplies. The overall school-supply spending
estimate includes an expected 2.5 percent increase over last year.
Children are expected to have back packs, pens
and pencils, tissues, glue, scissors, hand sanitizer, pocket folders and
more. These items can cost
between $50 and $100.
Many low-income parents are struggling
across America due to the slowing economy and rising prices. Some families are forced to choose between
food or school supplies. That means many children begin the school year without the necessary school
supplies. For those kids, school can be a
discouraging prospect.
CityTeam Ministries is gathering
backpacks and back-to-school supplies for children who come from low-income
families. The
ministry's goal is that each child who receives a backpack from CityTeam will
have all the supplies needed to start the school year completely equipped and ready
to succeed. CityTeam partners with local
schools to get the needed supply lists, ensuring that the children receive age-appropriate materials.
It's one way that they become the hands and
feet of Christ as they interact with the needy.
At present, CityTeam's program coordinates
with the centers they're operating in San Jose, San Francisco, and Oakland, California;
Portland, Oregon, Seattle, Washington and Philadelpia.
Go to our Web site if you can help the Backpacks
for Success Program.