(GAM/MNN) — Until 1985, Cameroon was one of the most prosperous countries in
Since then, Cameroon's economic development has been hampered by mismanagement,
corruption, and a challenging business environment for investors. As a result, it remains one of the
lowest-ranked economies on the World Bank's annual Doing Business and regularly
ranks among the most corrupt countries in the world.
The situation is unlikely to improve without
change to the mindset. Since 2006, Global Advance has been
partnering with the Kingdom Business Network of Cameroon Africa. This group is
made up of small to mid-size entrepreneurs who desire to see Jesus Christ
lifted high in their nation through the marketplace.
Advance provided teams of American business leaders to bring teaching and
coaching in the areas of finance and accounting, marketing, management, and
Biblical worldview for business.
of the members is working with numerous leaders of churches throughout West
Africa to teach them how to set up their own credit unions and business
training to help people get out of poverty.
Michael Ngassa, who owns a coco
farming operation, learned how to keep accurate accounting records from the
Global Advance Business Institute (GABI). He discovered that many were
stealing large amounts of money from him every year. Now his business is
Michael told us, "We could not have
gone to this level without the training! People are being discipled through the
business." Michael regularly evangelizes and disciples farmers and even helps
pay for their children to receive schooling.
was always a capable manager for an oil company. She told us: "The GABI
training gave me the courage to start my own business." Last year, she
began a poultry business for free-range chickens. It is already
profitable, and she's teaching her daughter how to run it. Her daughter
already has a vision for expanding the business and using it to bless others.
encouraging is that this group takes the Great Commission seriously. They
are not only going to other towns throughout West Africa teaching basic business principles, but they're also
sharing the Gospel.
Missions conferences emphasize both the spiritual and practical aspects of
doing business God's way. The goal of the training is to encourage networking
in the business community and generate new capital, greater integrity, and
spiritual and economic renewal.