Burma (MNN) — Opposition political power-house Aung San Suu Kyi is rebuffing election threats in Burma. She’s being told to refrain from using language that “challenges the army” during her rallies. Laws are in place preventing this lawmaker from winning a presidential bid because her late husband was English.
President of Vision Beyond Borders Patrick Klein says, “Her popularity has just skyrocketed. She’s their hope for freedom. She has stood for democracy and wants freedom in the country. They’re trying to find any way they can to stop her from running.”
Suu Kyi is trying to overturn a law that bans her from running. “They know that if she’s allowed to run, she’ll win in a landslide,” says Klein.
The current government has a grip on the country exploiting its natural resources and genocide connected to tribal people like the Karen, Kachin and Rohingya.
Klein says her election could end government corruption and ethnic genocide.
That genocide has seen entire villages destroyed and families killed. Many are living in refugee camps in nearby Thailand. Many of them are orphaned children and VBB is helping by sending teams. “They’ve lost everything. So when a group of Americans come and serve them and spend time with them and show them that they’re loved, it’s kind of like God is demonstrating His love in a tangible way to them. And they’re just so encouraged. We get so challenged and changed.”
Klein adds many of these children have come to Christ and they become an example. “When you see kids who’ve lost everything. They sleep on hard bamboo. And, those kids are so free and so happy. It just brings you back to what we’re all about as Christians.”
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