Guatemala (MNN)–AMG International’s Pete Lafakis (lah-FAY-kiss) is leading a team into Guatemala City today to share ‘Bundles of Love’ with children under AMG’s care. “These children have nothing and this is a chance to show the love of Christ to them.”
The teams will distribute backpacks as a very practical and tangible demonstration of Christ’s love. “Many of their parents make maybe 400-dollars a year, so their income is not very great. As a result, they are not able to really celebrate Christmas in any way for them. So we go down, and bring the joy of Christmas to them by providing them with Christmas gifts.”
The Gospel message is a clear part of each distribution. As the bundles are handed out, the atmosphere becomes electrically charged. Excitement burbles out of eager faces. AMG coworkers and pastors not only take part, but they follow up to clearly explain the message of salvation and invite those in attendance to follow Christ.
It’s not just the kids getting the bundles who benefit. Lafakis says a trip like this changes people. “We hope that God is going to use that not only to change their view of material possessions, but also to change their heart toward a greater desire to share that vision with others. We’ve seen that in many cases, God will touch the heart of a child, and will move them toward fulltime Christian service.”
Each Bundle of Love costs $20 and speaks volumes of the love of God. A gift of $100 provides five Bundles of Love, and $500 provides for 25 boys and girls.
It also opens the door to share the Good News with the family and friends of children who come from Muslim, Hindu, Buddhist, and other backgrounds.
Please pray that the Lord will provide the necessary resources for this unique ministry and that many hearts will be touched through this wonderful outreach this Christmas season.