USA (MNN) — Buckner International is giving you and your family the opportunity to serve together this summer through their various Kids Heart programs.
Buckner has three week-long trips planned for the summer along the Rio Grande in Texas and Arizona. "The goal [of Kids Heart] is to improve the living conditions of children and families living in poverty," says Dexton Shores with Buckner International.
In order to make sure this goal is accomplished, Kids Heart focuses on one main house repair project. A typical week also provides ministry opportunities "like Vacation Bible School, Backyard Bible Clubs, block parties and other house repair projects for families that are living in substandard housing that really need some help," says Shores.
In the past six years, beneficiaries of the projects have been amazingly receptive to the Gospel. Once they see a group of individuals willing to give up a week of their time to help a person they don't know, they try to figure out why. Shores says most people ask volunteers the reason for their generosity by the second or third day, allowing plenty of opportunities to share the message of Christ verbally after showing it practically.
"We've seen several new churches started because of people's lives being impacted by this ministry [and] them coming to Christ," notes Shores. "Then there came the need for them to be discipled and to be churched." While planting churches is not the focus of Buckner's ministry, they do partner with other groups to ensure long-term spiritual needs are met.
In the six years that Buckner has been offering Kids Heart weeks, 104 people have come to Christ, 10 houses have been built, 9 houses have been painted, and 605 Bibles have been distributed. Many churches have been established, and others have asked for help in starting Bible studies. As a result of families and individuals sacrificing one week of their time, many lives have been changed for eternity.
These trips are open to individuals as well as to large groups of dozens of volunteers. Two trips will take place in June in Texas and one in late August in Arizona. If you, your family, or church group are interested in serving the Lord in a tangible way this summer, click here and learn more or call the number to the left of the article.