International (MNN) — Roughly half of the world’s known languages are still without God’s Word. Bible Translation Acceleration Kits, or BTAKs, are helping believers in hard-to-reach areas translate God’s Word.
“We receive great expressions of thanksgiving from the folks who are making use of them. I have a couple of friends in Zambia who are making use of these tools,” Wycliffe Associates Interim President/CEO Tim Neu says.
“One of the pastors we trained taught three other language groups how to do Bible translation with these tools. Those three language groups completed their New Testaments, and have already started working on their Old Testament translations.”
See how BTAKs accelerated Bible translation efforts in Indonesia.
Since most translators live in isolated regions with no Internet access, the BTAK comes with a built-in satellite Internet connection. It also provides access to all the Bible translation software a language group needs.
“There are a number of language groups still waiting for kits like these to be made available to them,” Neu says.
Each kit costs $2,500 to produce and deliver to translators in the field. You could help underwrite some of the costs. Or, you could give your time.
“Folks have participated by being mentors. Some of these translation teams just need a person they can reach out to and ask a question; someone a bit more ‘seasoned’ in their understanding of the Scriptures. Others have more ability to give financially,” Neu says.
“As people get involved through mentoring, giving, and prayer, these gifts and sacrifices are being multiplied by those [workers] in the field.”
Header image courtesy of Wycliffe Associates.