Int’l (MNN) – For over four decades Ron Hutchcraft Ministries has been sharing the Gospel and Biblical insights through the radio ministry “A Word with You.” Now that unique story-telling format is able to reach even more people.
“Rescue Radio”

(Photo courtesy of Ron Hutchcraft Ministries)
Ron Hutchcraft, President of Ron Hutchcraft Ministries says that because “A Word With You” is short it’s able to target a person’s heart while keeping them engaged for a whole 4.5 minute segment. This is important to the ministry as they seek to intentionally share Christ through “rescue radio.”
Hutchcraft says, “And that simply means that the message that rescues us from our lostness our brokenness and an eternity without God, the message of the Gospel of Jesus Christ, will be clearly, non-religiously, creatively, and regularly what our program is about.”
Creativity is important to the team. They want to show listeners that following Christ is not boring or a waste of time. The Gospel truly applies to every area of life. That’s why Ron Hutchcraft Ministries wraps the message of the Gospel in relatable stories.
And now Trans World Radio is helping take this dynamic rescue radio to new listeners.
Storytelling in Many Languages
Ron says, “We were approached by Trans World Radio, our wonderful partners. And they suggested that the story format that we use would be very effective in other cultures, because we live in a storytelling world. So, we started with the most spoken language in the world, which is Mandarin.”
From there the discussion snowballed. Currently “A Word With You” is being translated into Mandarin, Spanish, Hindi and Arabic from English. Additionally, the ministry is looking at beginning translation work into Japanese.
The goal is to reach highly populous languages as well as languages from regions without many Christians, such as Japan.
Online Ministry
Hutchcraft says that through their partnership with TWR “A Word With You” extends beyond broadcast radio.
“Trans World Radio also has a wonderful online site called TWR360. And so we’re able to refer people. Let’s say, for example, you know, someone in the United States, who is a Mandarin speaker. [They] may have come here not too long ago, or a Spanish speaker. Well, they can go to TWR360 and listen to ‘A Word With You’ anytime, anywhere.”

(Photo courtesy of Ron Hutchcraft Ministries)
The value of having these stories constantly available is crucial. It allows people to approach the Gospel disarmed. “A Word With You” is gentle, yet authoritative. It doesn’t make people feel as though they are sitting under a preacher.
In fact, Hutchcraft says that D.L. Moody captured the vision of what “A Word With You” does.
“He said men will listen to a story when they won’t listen to Scripture. The moral of a story remains with them a long time, and often sets them thinking along lines, they refuse to consider in sermon form.” Hutchcraft continues, “Interesting, and I think insightful and perspective. And that that’s exactly what we believe.”
Get Involved
As “A Word With You” continues to spread into new areas and in new languages, Hutchcraft asks for prayer that Ron Hutchcraft Ministries would be faithful to the message of the Gospel and creative in their storytelling.
He also asks that people pray that, “God will provide the funds for us to be able to accelerate getting into other cultures with this, what we hope is a disarming and very powerful, way to bring Jesus into somebody’s life right where they are.”
Learn more or support Ron Hutchcraft Ministries here.
Header photo courtesy of Ron Hutchcraft Ministries.