Andaman Islands (MNN) — High tides continue to plague the people of the Andaman Islands in the aftermath of the tsunami. The earthquake and subsequent tsunami changed geography, slicing one island in half and another in thirds.
While the Bridge International doesn’t work in the region, they’re working with Indian Christian Fellowship. It’s an indigenous group that has 13 churches, a Bible school and an orphanage with 68 children. But, they now have an outreach to tribal people who were unreachable with the Gospel.
The Tribal Protection Regulations restricted them from going to the tribal people. But, the government has evacuated many of the tribal people to refugee camps, one of which is just three miles from their office.
The Bridge is collecting money to help India Christian Fellowship provide needed food, water, clothes, blankets, oil, mats, soap, mosquito nets and other essential items. You can send your donations to, The Bridge International, 201 SW 38th Avenue, Fort Lauderdale, Florida 33312, USA or you can give online at