Kenya (MNN) — Nearly 70% of people in Kenya are Christians, according to African Studies Center. And in Nairobi, there’s the highest concentration of evangelicals in the world.

(Photo courtesy of World Mission via Facebook)
Yet, even in this country, there are more than 4,000,000 people unreached by the Gospel. In the northern and eastern parts of the country, the Word hits a dead zone. Why?
“Over 90% of all the mission activity in Kenya stops in Nairobi,” explains Greg Kelley with World Mission. All short-term mission trips, resources, and orphan outreaches go to Nairobi, but they rarely spread out from there. “Everything is within 50 miles of Nairobi as far as the mission activity.”
In this case, entire communities haven’t heard of Jesus.
But World Mission is breaking through that barrier, going to the hard-to-reach areas and sharing the Word of God.
Reaching Kenya’s unreached
On an upcoming mission trip, “we’ll be taking in hundreds of Treasures in March into these Northern people groups, and also over by the border with Somalia so that these people can hear [the Gospel] in their own language.” There will be Treasures offered in 8 African languages spoken in the north and east.
The Treasure is World Mission’s field-tested solid-state digital audio Bible! It fits in the palm of your hand and includes a built-in solar panel with rechargeable batteries.
One of the specific areas teams have gone is Dadaab, the largest refugee camp in the world. About half a million people are estimated to be living in the camp, most of which are Somalis. Some have been in the camp for up to 25 years–since the break of the Somali civil war.
Yet Kelley says less than half of 1% of the Somalis living in Kenya are evangelicals. This is a result of mission teams not branching out further.
“The Dadaab refugee camp is very much a target for World Mission, and we need to send thousands of units [of Treasures] in there.”

(Photo courtesy of World Mission via Facebook)
In the camps and among the people, World Mission often goes through Christian nationals to discreetly hand out their solar-powered audio Bibles. This is giving a more trusting and relational foundation as well as helping Muslims ease into the Gospel.
World Mission is thinking about the spiritual aspect, but also the physical. They know the best way to reach people is by caring for the whole person.
World Mission is partnering with Zoe Waters to drill wells in places where people used to walk miles each day to get clean water. Together, they’ve drilled 75 wells.
“We’ve drilled all these wells, and then when we do the dedication, we distribute dozens and dozens of Treasures in their own language so they can hear the Gospel–the Living Water of Jesus Christ, along with the fresh, clean water we’re providing them,” Kelley says.
This March, the mission team will be going to Northern Kenya to reach a tribe of about 15,000 people. Pray for their ministry and open hearts and minds.
You can also be a part of World Mission’s outreach trips by giving or going. Just contact World Mission.
THANK YOU for being one of the few whose reach extends beyond Nairobi! I have personally worked for the past few years in rural western Kenya in areas that do not have electricity, or worse – have not had the Bible in their own tribal language. I just returned to the US this month after my eighth stint there to work with tribal church leaders.
Welcome to Kenya mission field. If you are interested in going beyond Dadabu refugee camp to reach more unreached people groups in Lodwar,Marsabit,Garesen please let us know. Synergy between us may accerelate the spread of the Gospel in Kenya and beyond.
I have read your report on reaching the unreached and pray that God will continue to grant His grace to as many as are on the field now.There is no doubt that more hands are needed,may the Lord make way for those that will go.Amen
I am interested in a short term mission trip to Dadaab, Kenya!
Looking for a combined mission trip to Kampala, Uganda and Dadaab, Kenya.