Chechnya (MNN) — A Russian soldier was killed and two were wounded when Special Forces were ambushed by Chechen rebels in the mountains last week. Despite those dangers, Christians are in the country holding Christian summer camps.
Russian Ministries’ Sergey Rakhuba says it’s an answer to prayer. “(For) the first time since the war started in Chechnya, since 1992, there was a Christian camp held right in its capital, Grozny. And, a Russian Ministries team traveled there from Vladikavkaz to spend a week with children from Muslim families actually.”
Rakhuba says they had such support from local authorities. They sent two social workers to be a part of the team to work with the children who are in such need. “They don’t know anything except being in fear, being devastated because of the war, blood, losing their parents. Most of those children are orphans of war.”
The team traveling to Grozny was a great testimony to a local leaders there who told them, “You got to be brave, coming down to this place and risking, actually, your lives because everybody knows how dangerous it is.”
Rakhuba says there’s a reason they went to Grozny. “We came to build a bridge of peace. We want to help them. We tell them Jesus, that’s who told us to do this. For the first time, they hear about hope in Jesus. And we know that the seed that will be planted by our team there into their hearts will grow.”
These children will also receive “Backpacks of Blessing.” Backpacks filled with school supplies and, more importantly, God’s Word.
Prayer is needed for safety for team members traveling in this violent region and for funding to help provide more backpacks to these needy kids.