Malawi (MNN) — With all that’s uncertain in the world right now, here’s an encouraging report from Mission Cry!
Earlier this year, the ministry sent another shipping container to landlocked Malawi in southern Africa. (More on that update here.) The Bibles and Christian books in that container are now getting into peoples’ hands!
Jason Woolford, the president of Mission Cry, says of their local partner in Malawi: “They do three things, and do it very well: minister to orphanages, [engage in] prison ministry, and then they have a mobile library.”
This bookmobile is a truck loaded with potential to reach anyone with the gospel.
“We stop, we put out signs, start distributing and then move on to the next town,” Woolford says. “So we’re able to get into some of these areas where someone may not be in prison or in the orphanage, [they] might not be in church, but they’re willing to take a book and read about our Lord and Savior.”
You can play a part in this story! Is there a Christian book on your shelf you think someone in another country could benefit from? Consider donating it to Mission Cry! Visit Mission Cry’s website to learn how to send books.
Woolford says these books could be “any Bibles, Christian-authored books, seminary materials — and what I mean by seminary materials would be Bible commentaries, Bible dictionaries, study Bibles, etc — and then Christian education [materials].”

(Photo of Malawi courtesy of Mission Cry)
If you don’t have books but want to sponsor this Malawi shipment, Mission Cry invites you to join them. Because of the generosity of partners to date, they have been able to ship more than 480 million dollars’ worth of Bibles and Christian resources to 278 countries.
“[Malawi] is a regular place that we send to when we get the containers funded,” says Woolford. It usually costs $11,000 to send a shipping container with half a million dollar’s worth of Christian materials.
“Malawi is double that cost because it’s landlocked and it’s very difficult to get to those areas. We sent this on faith,” he explains. “If those that are listening [or reading] want to partner with us in supporting this container, we would appreciate that.”
Header photo of Malawi courtesy of Mission Cry.