Asia (MNN) — God’s Word is powerful. It’s the most important tool in leading people to Christ. That’s why Book of Hope International has placed such a high priority on getting God’s Word into the hands of young people. They do that through their “Book of Hope” which is a harmony of the Gospels for young people.
Book of Hope’s Asia Director Ty Silva is excited. “More and more doors of opportunity are opening into the various worlds there in the Asia Pacific region — the Muslim world, the Buddhist world, Animistic world and in different nations. And, reception and personnel involved in distributing the Book of Hope have really gone up.”
Silva describes how successful they’ve been. “Overall, in the last eight years we’ve seen over 25 million children and youth receive their own copy of the Book of Hope, the story of Christ.” The goal is to distribute eight million copies in Asia alone and they’re on target to reach that.
The response to the Gospel has been incredible in Asia..”We’re seeing not just responses of children and youth coming to Christ, but (also) families, and miracles are taking place. God is just showing himself to be who He really is and that’s a God who’s able to do whatever needs to be done — to change lives and change eternal destinies,” says Silva.
While the number of Christians is small in many of these countries, Silva says using national believers is key to success both present and future. “Local churches, local youth groups, some places we have campus groups that we’re able to work with, where they’re able to be there after the distribution for ongoing relational follow-up and incorporation of new believers into a Christian body.”
In most countries, they’re able to work with the local schools. Silva says, “To most principals and in most educational situations they are more interested in the fact that the Book of Hope contains values and moral education curriculum and that’s what Jesus did. His teaching was able to communicate and bring about change in the inner person.”
$10 can provide a Book of Hope to 30 young people. But, Silva says that will reach more than just 30 people. “Anywhere between four to six and even eight people will read every Book of Hope.”
Contact Book of Hope to help.