Latin America (MNN)–Book of Hope is fighting the rise in secularism in Latin America.
Teams report that it is preventing them from having access to schools. There also appears to be active witchcraft and violence in some areas, which adds to the ministry challenge.
The situation has changed so much that there is concern over the safety and protection of the Book of Hope distribution teams and their families. In many areas, the ideas they share run counter to the existing ‘powers that be,’ upsetting what had been an imbalance of power.
As people change through the exposure to the truth, Christians have been made targets. This is true in areas dealing with high drug traffic and in guerilla warfare.
That makes their mission to continue to serve Christ one with risk in often dangerous territory.
Please pray for wisdom as the regional and national coordinators develop new school programs and outreach methods to reach the children and youth with the Gospel, especially in Mexico, Colombia, Costa Rica and Argentina.