Bombay (MNN) — More than 900 people are dead in India’s Maharashtra State, after more than 37 inches of rain fell in that region. The monsoon has left millions homeless.
Speaking from India, World Vision’s Reena Samuel gives us an update on the conditions there. “The rains have actually not stopped and the fact that there is a prediction for more rains in the next few days has actually caused panic and anxiety among the community people. A lot of people have lost their houses. Water levels have increased. The sewage, those waters have entered their houses. It is smelling. It is quite a devastating scene.”
World Vision is providing food, water, clothing, shelter and medical camps to help monitor the health needs of the people to help prevent any kind of epidemic.
Samuel says all of the World Vision sponsored children have survived. However, it’s far from back to normal, especially with school starting this week. “I don’t know how they’re going to go to school because they don’t have anything. When I speak to the children, most of the children when they come up to me the only thing they are worried about is that their books have gotten wiped out.”
While some churches have been able to respond, World Vision isn’t able to help them right now. Samuel tells us why. “We had to stop work today because (in) most of our communities, the water level had gone up and it was not possible to reach these communities because the waters have gone up and people have fled to different locations. So, there was quite a bit of anxiety and unrest among the community.”
Pray that as World Vision helps in Jesus’ Name that they’ll be able to share the hope of Christ.