England (MNN) — By now you’ve already heard about the coordinated bomb blasts that rocked the London transit system on Thursday. A radical terrorist group is claiming responsibility for the multiple blasts during rush hour.
The Association of Baptist for World Evangelism has work in England. ABWE’s Denny Weaver heard about the explosions while he was working at home, just outside of London. “As it unfolded, you didn’t know exactly how extensive it was going to be, and there’s the element of the unknown. And, we’ve been through this before.” In years past the IRA has terrorized regions with bombings.
However, with the explosion and terrorism reaching out again in the free world, Weaver isn’t frightened. “I don’t have a concern for us being targeted. I’m just concerned about the reaction of the English people. I don’t think that there’s a concern for the missionaries as much as there is for the Muslim people. That’s the concern of one of our missionaries that’s there working amongst them, what’s going to be their response.”
Weaver is planting churches in the United Kingdom, a country that has great religious tradition. He says it’s too early to tell if the bombing will draw people. Weaver says, “When 9/11 happened, it brought people into the churches and it brought them into spiritual teaching. And, just pray for us that if this occurs in this situation that we’ll be wise in how we share the Gospel, how we share spiritual things with the people.”