Bolivia (MNN) — Bolivia wants to
rebuild strained relations with the United States.
Ties have been tense since U.S. Ambassador Philip Goldberg and several U.S. Drug Enforcement
Agency agents were expelled from Bolivia last year.
However, the Obama administration
is already making forays into easing the tensions between the two
countries. The U.S. government
officially congratulated leftist Bolivian President Evo Morales on winning voters'
approval of a new constitution Sunday; Morales had made this the central
platform of his presidency.
Bolivia is now at a
crossroad between socialism and civil war. Several states remain
resistant to socialistic control, as evidenced by a rally for state autonomy
recently, attended by 500,000.
Despite the uncertainty,
e3 Resources is developing a network of Bolivian trainers for ministry
Working with church
leaders from 55 congregations, the ministry team embarked on 11 different
church-planting mission trips, where they successfully planted over 55 new
churches and formed a network of 50 translators.
Last year, along with
five mission trips, e3 Partners trained 30 Bolivian trainers and began stockpiling
EvangeCubes and other materials for future evangelistic work.
Uncertain about how long the doors for outreach will remain open, e3
Partners has adopted a strategy that focuses on equipping national partners in these countries to
evangelize and establish churches on their own.
Pray for the strengthening of Bolivian churches and the training of indigenous leaders.