Haiti (MNN) — After making significant progress on an orphanage building project, the work of Orphan's Heart in Haiti has come to an abrupt standstill. If they don't get moving soon, the future for 54 orphans looks dim.
"Our greatest need is for block layers–people with experience laying blocks," says Ron Gunter with Orphan's Heart. Until volunteers sign up to head to Haiti and lay blocks, the project will stay still.
This might not be so significant if it weren't for the upcoming rain. "The rainy season starts as we get into May," says Gunter.
The project has made quick headway in the last couple months. Six teams have gone down to Haiti since January to put in septic tanks, to ensure clean water is flowing through pumps, and to lay the foundation.
But if the ministry doesn't get volunteers to lay block before the rainy season, it'll mean bad news for the orphans who have been living in tents since the January 2010 earthquake. Since block-laying would be much more difficult in the rainy season of May to July–which is followed by hurricane season–those 54 orphans will have to wait even longer for adequate shelter.
"The kids would be in the tents again in the mud for a season. We really don't want that to happen. We really want to get these children out of the tents. They've been there for over two years now," says Gunter.
These kids have each already suffered the loss of one or both parents and have survived a life-altering earthquake. Now, they have spent the last two years living in frightening conditions.
"You can only imagine what the conditions are like trying to get good, clean water to them, trying to provide for their food and their well-being, security around where they currently are, the latrines that are used there," says Gunter. "It's just going to be a critical situation if we don't get them out of that situation by May."
Orphan's Heart needs block-laying teams as soon as possible. The ministry has three trips scheduled between now and the end of April, but will work around any schedule, says Gunter. "Even if they can only go for four or five days, we'll make that possible. We can do a lot in that time with the right experience."
If you aren't a block layer, you may still want to talk to Orphan's Heart. They need people with construction experience of all kinds.
"It's going to require a group of people helping them, but the skill set of the block layers is the most critical," Gunter emphasizes.
Pray for God to supply the necessary workers to help complete Phase One of the orphanage project. Phase One is only intended to house 30 kids but will be adequate enough to house all 54 children until the next phase is complete.
The children are getting more than housing, says Gunter. Several have already accepted Christ. Seeing the love of Orphan's Heart teams for the kids has transformed orphans, as well as members of the community. And this is only the beginning.
If you can help with this worthy project, contact Orphan's Heart today by visiting www.OrphansHeart.org or calling 305-271-4121. Read about Orphan's Heart's progress on the orphanage here.
i am a block layer from new jersey im part of the bricklayers union local 5 if there are anymore projects that need a mason please let me know