With the help of their supporters, CRI sends resources to believers all around the world.
(Image courtesy CRI)
Philippines (MNN) — Sometimes the news can be rather bleak. The surge of violence and hate around the world is anything but uplifting. However, it never gets tiring to hear news of people working together to accomplish something bigger than themselves.
With help from supporters like you, Christian Resources International (CRI) is continuing their ministry with big plans for 2014, beginning with a trip next month. Jason Woolford, Executive Director of CRI, says on behalf of the team, “We’re so excited. We’re going to be able to go and visit some of the areas that we have been seeding into now for 60 years.”
These areas exist across many of the islands of the Philippines. Some of their work there includes establishing lending libraries and Bible colleges, and providing Bibles to orphans and other people who cannot afford them.
In October, CRI is hosting a conference, a Bible giveaway, and a concert in the Northern part of the Philippines–the area most heavily devastated by Typhoon Haiyan. Their work will extend to the southern and central regions as well. The precursor visit next month will be used to meet with pastors and contacts to set up the details of the events coming later this year.
“On this trip in February, I’ll be seeding into the lives of 150 pastors: going and preaching and speaking to them and loving on them and speaking God’s Word into them. [We’ll give] a word of encouragement in addition to the container that we just sent them with nearly half a million dollars worth of Bibles and Christian books for giveaway,” explains Woolford.
It cost CRI around $11,000 to send the container. Though it sounds like a lot, Woolford is sure that the money is insignificant compared to the life-giving material contained inside the crate.
The potential for the events being held in October is immense, yet faith in God is completely necessary.
“The conference, concert, and Bible giveaway that we’re holding in 2014 in October: that definitely requires people to pray,” Woolford says. “It also requires people to come alongside in finances. We’re expecting to send, as I mentioned, over 3 million dollars worth of free Bibles and Christian books, so we’ve got to get those containers there.”
Woolford continues: “In addition, we’re going to be traveling there and speaking God’s Word, so it’s a huge undertaking. But I believe if our goals and our plans aren’t big enough to intimidate us, then God doesn’t need to be in it, probably.”
This venture is certainly worth the help of God.
“We’re going to reach millions of people in the Philippines with the Gospel, the Good News of Jesus Christ, the Word of God that does not return void.”
To reach millions with the Gospel is no small feat. CRI will also be sending containers to help the people affected by Typhoon Haiyan.
Woolford asks that for this immediate trip, you pray for safety, energy, and strength for the team. It will be a busy 14 days starting when they land on the ground. Pray ahead for the conference in October, that they will reach many lost with the Gospel.
If you wish to support CRI financially, click here to visit their Web site.
You won’t regret partnering with such a noble effort. Woolford leaves us with one final word: “We’re sending God’s Word that doesn’t return void, and as people come alongside of this ministry, they’re truly becoming book missionaries; the world is hearing their mission cry.”