Asia (BIBLICA/MNN) — Biblica celebrates ministry
milestones in Asia this month.
A delegation from the ministry dedicated new Scripture translations in two new
languages in the Philippines this week.
Biblica International CEO Keith Danby and Biblica Group Vice President for Asia Pacific Somporn Sirikolkarn joined author and speaker Philip Yancey and others in
Manila, Philippines, for the release and dedication of the Tagalog and Cebuano Bible
These translations will serve millions of speakers who will now have contemporary,
accurate Bibles translated using methods similar to the New International
Version® (NIV).
From there, the tour continued through Singapore and Thailand to mark Biblica's 200th anniversary with its partners. Yancey and Danby talked about Biblica's
mission and vision for ministry that will take the ministry into a third
century of providing God's Word. In Singapore, Biblica released the new Chinese
Contemporary New Testament (with Proverbs).
In Shanghai, China, the contingent will meet with officials from the China
Christian Council and leaders of the Three Self Patriotic Movement, China's leading
groups on matters of Christianity and the Church in China. During their stay in
Shanghai, Yancey will conduct a seminar to help Chinese Christians and church
leaders enhance their writing skills.
is an unprecedented opportunity to increase the importance and role of God's
Word in the lives of people throughout Asia," said Danby. "And having Philip
Yancey join us in these historic events adds to the visibility and credibility
of our ministry in this part of the world because he is such a well-known and
respected author throughout Asia."