Philippines (MNN) — As the mounds of rubble continues to be shifted through, the death toll and missing continues to climb, and hope on the verge of being all be lost, there’s a glimmer. The requests being made by survivors may be both shocking and surprising.
Executive Director of Christian Resources International Jason Woolford. “Not shocking and surprising, but it might shock and surprise some that are listening that the calls that we’re getting from the Philippines — we have pastors, missionaries, evangelists and orphanages calling us and letting us know that they need Bibles. They need Christian books.”
Woolford says, “While people are needing food and clothes, they’re calling and saying, ‘please send God’s Word that doesn’t return void to us because we need it.”
The 15 to 20 foot (5 meters) storm surge took everything in the Central Philippines. Woolford says, “Imagine being a believer and not having God’s Word to know what God has to say about the situation.”
Woolford says that’s why CRI is doing something about it. “We are getting ready to send a sea container filled with approximately 30,000 free Bibles and Christian books to the Philippines for distribution in some of those areas that we hit the hardest.”
He does have some prayer needs. “One, pray for the safety of the container and that it gets to where it’s going. And, then also, we have the books we have the free Bibles, but we need help in sending that container.”
It costs $10,000 to get it there. CRI isn’t necessarily asking you to pay for it all. “By [you] partnering with us financially, in essence [you] get to become a book missionary.”
The distribution will be strategic. “We have pastor. We have missionaries who are already on the ground there that are able to get the container, get it released from customs, and then strategically give it out to people who are desiring it and need it.”
Woolford already has on his schedule to hold Gospel meetings. Those meetings will take place next in October, 2014.
Your support for the container and the conference can be given here.