Nigeria (MNN) — Wycliffe Bible
Translators reports that the translator/coordinator of the Tarok translation
project in Nigeria was kidnapped in Jos on December 16.
The Seed Company says roughly 70 percent of the Tarok
people are Christians.* The New Testament and the "JESUS"
film are already available in their heart language.
Tarok believers are eager for more background material. The Old Testament can
provide a foundation to better understand Christ's teachings in their New
Testament. A team was formed, and the project got
Excitement grew as
people began to understand how much their culture would benefit from both an
oral and a written form of the Bible. As
a result, a partner
organization will record an audio version of the New Testament and put it on digital players to foster listening groups
around the mother-tongue Scriptures.
As the Old Testament is completed, the whole Bible will
be produced in both printed and audio formats, to support people's spiritual growth.
The kidnapping is a crushing blow for
the team. Please pray for the coordinator's safe release. Ask
God to minister to him during his captivity.
too, for his family and for the Tarok translation team. As a result of this
incident, the team was forced to cancel a translation-checking session
scheduled for this month.
* The Tarok translation is a project of
The Seed Company.