International (MNN) — In the midst of troubling global headlines, Faith Comes by Hearing‘s Bill Lohr shares an exciting update from the world of Bible translation: God’s Word has now been released into 954 recordings.

(Photo credit: Victor Ngo via Flickr)
“[Those] 954 languages represent over 6 billion people who speak or sign one of those languages, so that’s over 85% of the world’s population,” Lohr adds.
Of the 17 new language releases that brought FCBH to the 954-mark, there are “three different sign languages that will now be available through the Deaf Bible app.”
The good news doesn’t stop there, though.
“We really believe that the Great Commission should be completed within this generation,” Lohr says. “It used to be ‘could be,’ [or] ‘maybe’ – all of those different questions.
“But we look at the technology, we look at the translations that are completed, we look at our ability to do recordings and other partners who are doing recordings, and we say that it should be completed in this generation.”
Technology plays a significant role. Not only does it make the Bible translation process faster, it increases the ability of FCBH to get Scripture to people in a language and format they can understand.
“We’re going to hit 1,000 languages in about May this year,” shares Lohr. Furthermore, “we believe we’re going to get to the 2,000-mark in much less time than it took to get to the 1,000-mark.”

The Proclaimer was developed as a playback device for poor and illiterate people lacking the resources to receive God’s Word.
(Photo courtesy FCBH)
In the late 1980s, when FCBH first began recording audio New Testaments, they could only do Bible translation in English. God has been expanding their horizons ever since, using the latest technologies and digital resources.
With another major milestone in sight, enthusiasm is rising.
“If we can hit that 2,000 [language] mark, we’re talking about 97% of the world’s population [speaking] one of those 2,000 languages.”
You can help Faith Comes by Hearing cross the finish line in two easy ways:
“Lift us up for the resources to be made available, that our field recording partners will be in good health and protected; [pray for] everybody here on our staff,” requests Lohr.

(Photo courtesy Compassion International)
- Ask the Lord to provide FCBH with the resources it needs for Bible translation.
- Pray for the health and protection of FCBH’s recording partners.
- Pray for the staff and leaders of Faith Comes by Hearing.
You can make a significant difference by helping FCBH get God’s Word to every person who needs it. Whether the Lord has placed a passion for Bible translation or military outreach on your heart, there’s a FCBH project that could use your support.

(Screenshot courtesy of Faith Comes By Hearing)
“We hate asking for [money] in Christian ministry, but it is the case: we need to have the funds to do it,” says Lohr. “We could go out and get 50 more recording teams, but…we need to have the funds to do it.”
I am unable to help financially, but am putting your needs on my daily prayer list.