Asia (MNN) — Bible teaching is now broadcast in Mandarin, the world's most-spoken language, to listeners in China.
Trans World Radio and Pastor Chuck Smith of Calvary Chapel in Costa Mesa, Calif., have formed a partnership to offer this service to the people of China. Smith's The Word for Today program first aired its 5-day, 30-minute broadcast March 24 from a shortwave TWR station on the island of Guam.
Listeners in Asia desperately need the in-depth Bible study and discipleship training that Smith's program offers. A similar broadcast in English is airing from TWR's Bonaire and South Africa locations. The Spanish version is set to air from Bonaire and Uruguay from TWR's stations in June 2007, and there are possibilities for distribution to local FM stations as well. TWR is considering expanding the number of languages in the future.
TWR is pleased with Smith's dedication to the great commission. TWR's Director of Ministry Partnerships, Ralf Stores, said, "We're excited by The Word for Today's commitment to providing solid discipleship programming that coincides with TWR's global strategic plan of taking God's unchanging message to a changing world."
The expansion of this programming will further the spread of the Gospel around the world. It will be more effective in fulfilling the Great Commission as the number of stations airing the program grows.
Smith started his non-denominational Calvary Chapel in 1965 and now has more than 1,000 congregations across the United States, not to mention the hundreds overseas. They now run Bible colleges, Christian camps, retreat centers, and pastoral training programs as well. Smith was a prominent figure during the "Jesus Movement" in the late 1960's and 1970's.