Ramallah (MNN) — Christians in the Palestinian controlled areas of Israel are asking Christians around the world to continue praying for them, despite erroneous information being reported.
Because of a language barrier and miscommunications with people on the ground in the area, E3 Partners erroneously reported to Mission Network News that the Palestine Bible Society building in Gaza was blown up. E3 Partners Tom Doyle says, “What happened, Greg, is it was another Bible Society. It was not the one in Gaza. It was another one in the West Bank called the Living Stones, in a place called Beir Zeit and that one was fire bombed. The one in Gaza was threatened to be bombed on the 28th or afterwards and that threat is very much still alive.”
According to Doyle, this violence will only escalate as radical Islamic groups move in to the region. “With the cartoons, and some of the things that are coming out of Iran, with some of the threats, it just seems to be a real difficult point right now in the Middle East and so believers are just asking that we would pray for them.”
Despite the increase threat and hostilities, Doyle says these believers are amazing. “Instead of going and hiding they are serving Christ with a passion and reaching out to people. They are certainly brothers and sisters that we can be very proud of in their courageous stand for Christ.”
In the mean time, be praying for the E3 Partners pastors conference that’s being held in the Middle East in a few weeks.