Australia (MNN/RW) — The last Australian Church Life Survey showed that only 19% of church attendees read the Bible daily or on most days; 12% of respondents read the Bible a few times a week, 5% once a week, 27% occasionally and 37% hardly ever or never.
According to Ramon Williams, in an attempt to improve these statistics, seven Scripture-promoting organizations have joined hands to encourage all Australian Christians to develop a habit of daily Bible reading. Once it becomes habitual, Christians will begin reaching out and sharing their faith and talking about God’s Word with others.
The Bible Society, Bible League, Australia, Global Recordings, The Pocket Testament League, Scripture Gift Mission International, Scripture Union and Wycliffe Bible Translators have sent a letter to over 7,400 congregations Australia-wide to ask that they set aside one week in the year to focus on helping individuals to develop the discipline of reading the Bible 365 days a year.
As a practical way of getting started, an easy-to-use Daily Bible Reading Guide has been produced to help each reader on this most rewarding and life-changing journey-reading the Word of God. An order form for churches is found on the Bible Society website www.biblesociety.com.au . The cost is $8.50/50 Reading Guides. A colorful poster with space for adding a date is free to all those who order more than 50 Reading Guides. The Reading Guide may be downloaded and printed for individual use.
Two sample sermon outlines, a children’s talk and current Bible distribution figures will be posted on their website-free to download-during June.
For more information on the Bible Celebration material or an order form, please contact Jorge Rodrigues, Director Scriptures Division, [email protected], phone (Australia) +61-2-9839 9032.